Saturday 18 December 2010

Interweb chaos

Weds.21.06.06. I did waste a little too much time contacting Gavin who by now sounded very unenthusiastic about selling many of his wonderful parts: particularly when I suggested if it would be possible for me to ‘cherry pick’ the tasty ones. I tempted him by offering to buy his engine, head, diff, master cylinders, wheels, seats, carburettors, virtually everything that I could think of. But, the longer the conversation relentlessly continued the more distant and vague he became. It was almost as if he had only so much energy before he faded off into the background to recharge his batteries: I didn’t mean to exert pressure but I also considered that there would be only so much that I could declare that may ‘twist his arm’.
At the end of the negotiations his only response was “I don’t really know what I want to do?” I attempted several more phone calls but the resistance grew more defiant until there was absolutely no response what so ever, he had slipped silently into cyberspace. It was a typical case of mixed feelings, since spending the best part of a month collating the definitive list for Rimmers I wasn’t prepared to merely throw it away or persuade Chris that it may be beneficial to change our approach to finding all the required parts. Revisiting the Gavin issue I convinced myself that I would probably have to purchase the entire stock, his tools, ramps, jacks, overalls, work boots, even his centrally heated, brick built garage, possibly his dull, empty wife along with his rabid dog and mangy cat. I suppose Gavin will, in due course, slither comfortably into the fuck off bin.
There was no sign of Chris when I turned up at Westmead so I was able to sneak the windscreen back without him knowing. Game, set and match. We have not worked on the car today because of business. I just hope that we can meet as many deadlines as possible before the end of the week, but time is running out.

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