Tuesday 10 April 2012

Cracks in the wallpaper

Thurs.29.11.07. Nigel had in fact completed the painting of the wings, they still need to ‘buffed’ but this is better undertaken when the wings have been assembled and secured to the car. The tub has not yet been placed on the chassis; there still remain many of the basic modifications to be ‘signed off’ before this can be achieved. The boot box undertrim is not yet been glassed to the tub, the fuel filler pipe has not been routed and the new position of the handbrake has not been finalised. So much so I have decided to store the newly painted wings in my lockup. The clutter at Westmead could cause unwanted damage. It is also probably prudent to allow the fresh paint on the wings to slowly harden undisturbed.
Michael of Premier Auto trim had re-covered the leather seats last week but it has only been today when I have been able settle the bill of £500.00: within this cost is the extra hide which will eventually cover the door panels, gearbox and handbrake tunnel plus the surrounding cockpit trim. The tunnel covers had been almost finished when I foolishly trapped the third digit of my right hand in the jaws of my newly acquired belt sander. There has been some flesh loss along with a dangling flap of skin, which hopefully will regenerate. But the accident may now halt the progress of the models.     
At this particular moment I cannot understand the ebb and flow of commitment that is infuriatingly apparent at the workshop. The obvious tasks needing to been undertaken seem to be ignored; less glamorous than tarting up the engine bay, they, nevertheless must be addressed. It’s the ‘Tommy dog syndrome’, whenever threatened he pretends that the ‘big dog’ isn’t even ‘there’ blindly convincing himself that it does not actually exist. It is one of perpetual contradictions throughout the length of the project that I have never been able to fathom. It is part of the sum that has always been disregarded, the endless ‘programmes of work’, the constant undoing, the repetitive re-do, the contempt of the contributions from others, the awareness of the concept underpinned by the reality of a timeframe. These traits compared with the almost childlike enthusiasm together with stubborn determination are the other faces of the ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ persona. I am aware that I have been hiding in my cellar as part of a tactical, deliberate withdrawal but it has been the only way that I have ultimately felt fruitful, positively productive. Justification equates to peace of mind, a genuine pleasure carefully ‘making’ pieces that effectively add to the sum of the whole. 

Fri.30.11.07. The month has fizzled to its miserable conclusion. The tunnel covers are ready to be tested on the car. The wings and seats await fitting, the carpets are ready to be cut, and the tub must be lifted onto the chassis.

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