Sunday 5 February 2012

Secret work

Tues.09.10.07. The work on the bootbox is reaching its conclusion. The assembly, after yet another fill and rub down, has had a coat of resin applied to smooth off any bumps or ripples where road dirt may lodge. The recessed brass handles have been masked and the lid sprayed to reveal any blemishes. I shall allow another day for the resin to completely harden before the assembly is complete.
In the meantime, Chris has continued to revive any of the affected areas of the tub that have become tarnished since the first applied treatment. Under the rear wheel arch, the engine bulkhead and the front wing side rails have been the main sections that have suffered peripheral damage. Other aspects, particularly the routing of the fuel/ brake lines, the choke/accelerator cables and the hydraulic clutch as well as the brake systems have also been confirmed.
I have had a preliminary meeting with John who can supply all the materials to paint the car. The chosen colour, a very dark almost black green is FO661 from the ‘URKI color truck system’. I have matched the colour against that of the leather seats with the proposed shade of the carpet, for comparison, suitability and blend to complement the divergent range of tones. The required quantities of the entire package being 3 litres two pack mixed colour at £58.80, 3 half litre activator-winter at £20.67, 1 litre two pack fast thinner at £4.95 and 1 litre two pack high solid primer at £14.84. The total price being £116.63, but John has offered a deal of £95.00.                
Later in the Oak, David volunteered the use of a curtain sided truck on Thursday lunchtime to transport all of the body parts to Nigel Penk. At the same time I mentioned to Chris that I needed to go to France on Monday for a few days to tie up a few loose ends in Tarascon but also confirm the arrangements for the Beaujolais run. Predictably, this was met by a grunt. “How do expect the car to be finished if you are buggering off to France all the time!” We are, in fact, travelling to Burgundy to sign the ‘final acte’ to purchase the property that we first saw in summer. Because we need to remain a ‘tad’ secretive about our latest venture it is prudent at this delicate stage to adopt the stance of a politician, principally when ‘any’ lie is always much better than the truth; I feel my hands ‘cupping’ at the very thought.  

Eviction. The Doc also mentioned last night that he has great plans for a substantial ‘proper’ smoking area at the front of the Oak. He intends to have four 4 metre brollies with halogen lights integrated heaters, appropriate seating securely concreted into the pavement. He has also located a purpose built commercial Marquee for beer garden, again, heated and brightly lit. This doesn’t sound like a person who is ready to bail out?   

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