Tuesday 14 August 2012


Weds.08.10.08. Putting off the DVLA informing them of the conversion from ‘estate’ to ‘convertible’ cannot be avoided anymore. My original contacts Nikki Hannon and Jean Beaver have both moved on, but my latest contact, Philip, has directed me towards Swansea. I still need to inform ‘HQ’ of the change as a result a letter has been drafted then dispatched. Philip intimates that they may issue the registration certificate immediately, there may be no need for an inspection by the Manchester division, but if this happens I will show my arse at the Pierhead.

Mon.20.10.08. I have returned from our visit to London to some sad and disturbing news. I managed to call Chris on Friday 17th reporting for duty, placing myself back on radar. Regrettably, quietly and gloomily Chris informed me of a health scare he had experienced the previous Tuesday. He had woken early that morning feeling decidedly uncomfortable, unnervingly, extremely ill, quite possibly in a delusional frame of mind. His condition became progressively challenging over a short period of time. He was rushed to the Royal Albert by ambulance naturally suspecting another ‘stroke’. Spending most of the day undergoing various tests he was discharged late in the evening with a ‘clean bill of health’. It has been such a fright that he has since been contemplating a total review of his life and work. He intends to ditch any legitimate connection with the ‘car trade’. There are so many sharks within the trade attempting to stay one jump ahead requires guile together with a degree of ruthlessness, a manner usually associated with a south American dictator. Particularly at this moment in time within the present global meltdown the sharks will become increasingly ravenous; it will be no place for the infirmed or weak. 
He has decided that he needs no more of it; he plans an early exit. Other contributing factors may also need to be addressed, but it will be more difficult to change his nature, attitude and mental approach than merely requesting to ‘de-vat’.      
This second scare has been a real shock for Chris, who in the past would relish a contest, sparing enthusiastically over a ‘deal’, but because over the past few years he as become a genuine friend, and as such I am not only concerned about his health, but also whether or not he has the determination to confront and subsequently prepare for the reality that is his future. 

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