Thursday 7 July 2011

More loose ends

This morning having rummaged through the sack of promotional material that I had previously painstakingly ‘trawled’ whilst at the ‘Stoneleigh show’. I came across a leaflet describing a small company that designs then manufactures all kinds of ignition systems. Given that one of my tasks today was to approach either ‘Europa’ or ‘SC Parts’ with a view to purchasing the ‘123’ multipurpose electronic system at £185.00 it seemed logical to call ‘Ignition Solutions’ to formally request their specifications regarding a manual or a completely electronic system. 
During the conversation they suggested that their product is far superior to that of the German based ‘123’ unit, for several reasons. Their product focuses upon one model for individual cars being constructed solely for that unique purpose, because of this they claim to create a stronger more efficient spark from the type 45 D4 distributor. They also provide a compatible coil with advanced specifications, if required. Contrary, the German alternative it has 16 preset curves which cover too many engine types therefore cannot return an exact advance and retard setting; it is a Jack of all trades but master of none ‘unit’, essentially it is not specific for the model. This purpose built unit can be retailed at £185.00 but sold within the trade is only £115.00. This is good news but again the deal will have to go to committee for approval. Phil, of ‘Ignition Solutions’, will be at the Show at the end of the month if we need any more information. Fuck me, its Stoneleigh again at the end of March, unfuckingbelievable. 
I reluctantly had to speak to Rimmers to order a Spitfire catalogue having previously vowed never to communicate with the fuckwits ever again. It is a real toss up as to who is deeper in the ‘fuck off bin’. Rimmer Brothers or Thailand.
‘Young Danny’ the painter is ready for more work having only the flatting to complete on the bonnet half and front wing. He remains keen consistently producing good work. He would prefer to paint the body tub at the Westmead workshop, using a ‘roller’. This could be the solution that we have been looking for. The body tub and engine panels need not to be moved causing potential damage; the garage does not necessarily need to be spotlessly clean crucially the operation may possibly be totally odourless.
Terry Trimmer has finally dedicated a portion of time to the task of covering the seats. He promises to start the work in the next two weeks. We shall see?
All that remains is for me to scribble down the definitive ‘Programme of work’ and prepare for March 2007. This could be a BIG month.       

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